This was one of those rare days where things went smoothly with no mistakes, re-dos or other issues.
I got both sticks in. The cross connect is a bit challenging because there isn’t much room to work and there are washers and spacers that all have to be installed. I checked the alignment between the two sticks and the stick travel (fore and aft) and both were well within tolerance.
I then worked on the small Ray Allen sensor that is used to send the flap position to the EFISs and power controller. I was expecting this to be more difficult then it turned out to be. I had to remove part of the flap assembly that had been installed earlier so I could drill a hole in it but this was pretty straight forward. I still have to run the sensor’s wiring to the panel (when the panel arrives that is).
I got good news on the propeller and the interior. Both should ship in the next few days (a bit ahead of schedule). The finish kit should be in the crating process now so that should be coming in the next three weeks or so.
The instrument panel is being built at Steinair now (due in April-ish). The engine is likely to be mid May.
Jon and I have decided to remove the NACA vent that moved during install and redo it. Sucks, but in the end it will be better.
Hours: 2.5